söndag 28 juni 2009

BREMEN 2009-06-28

G18 and Bremen seems to always be a good time. Tonight was no exception.
Delicious food upon arrival, friendly people, a decent turnout and a fun show.
After last night's show at Pressurefest it was more than enjoyable to be back where we belong.
Not that we didn't enjoy Pressurefest, tonight just did us more justice.

Even though most probably hadn't heard us before kids seemed to dig us, sweet!

The last band of tonights show Insomnio from Spain were awesome.
Today it was Mattias birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATTIAS!

torsdag 30 april 2009

24 APRIL Poznan, Poland

Puh, long drive yesterday.
We arrived in Poznan around 2 o clock in the night and passed out at the venue’s guestroom right away.
After a good night’s sleep today’s promotor invited us to the breakfasttable. Bread, marmalade, tahina and tea. Not too bad!
The weather was amazing too so we went for a long walk downtown Poznan.

Linus and G came along with some of the locals for a Critical mass-demo. 200 punks on bikes that resulted in a fight in the middle of a roundabout. Why do I always miss out on the fun stuff?

Playing was tons of fun! I enjoyed the lovely dinner instead of checking the 2 opening bands out. Yummy! We did a good set and kids went bananas, sweet!

Some food in Malmö before going to the ferry in Ystad.